Located in Cannington, WA

Wrinkle Relaxers and Facial Aesthetics

At Carousel Dental, patients who wish to soften wrinkles or deep lines around their forehead, glabella, eyes and mouth area are able to do so with the use of muscle relaxants.

Our Expertise

Wrinkle Relaxers and Facial Aesthetics

Refining your look at the dentist now takes on a whole new meaning with a new range of facial aesthetic services at Carousel Dental. Our range of cosmetic treatments allows our patients to enhance the area around their smile as well as their pearly whites. We now offer various cosmetic services, including facial aesthetics and dermal fillers, to compliment our other professional cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Everyone knows that when you smile, laugh, or frown, you contract the muscles on your face, and over time, these contractions produce permanent furrows and deep wrinkles in the skin. Particularly around your eyes, mouth, between your eyebrows, and on your forehead. These lines can not only make you look older than you are, but they can also make you look sad, angry, and tired all the time. Dermal fillers can not only prevent you from deepening these lines during natural facial movements, but they also remove these marks of aging, leaving you looking younger and refreshed!

Contact our friendly team today for a full list and detailed description of our services we provide, and read below for more information on how we can help you feel like your best self.

It is a black and white photo of a woman 's face.

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Call us today on 08 9356 5883 for more information about cosmetic dentistry.

Our Expertise

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Enhance Any Smile!

Wrinkle Relaxers and Facial Aesthetics

At Carousel Dental, we aim to provide a comprehensive service to our patients. Muscle relaxants, Dermal fillers and Threading to the supporting muscles of the face and jaw have been incorporated as part of the practice by Dr Anis Fadzil since 2014. She is fully trained by the Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics and regularly updates her training with the latest on-trend procedures.

Muscle Relaxant

The conventional use of muscle relaxants is to eliminate tension-type headaches and to minimise the effects of bruxing and/or clenching, which is often used in conjunction with a night guard/splint.

The use of muscle relaxants. HoweverHowever, this therapeutic use is not limited to this. We are now able to use muscle relaxants to minimise the effects of aging on the face. The most common areas of treatment are glabella (between the eyes), forehead, eyes, lips, chin, jaw & neck.

Dermal Fillers and More

Ageing will result in the loss of support to our facial structure. Where once in our youthful days, the skin felt tight, and lines were minimal, the effects of aging might be too soon than our minds are prepared for.

Dermal fillers are used to restore sagging skin by recreating the support of facial features. The most common areas that benefit from this treatment are tear troughs, cheeks, lips & chin, to name a few.

Other services that we provide to restore the face and rejuvenate the skin are Venepuncture, Mono Threads for skin rejuvenation and Cog Threads for lifting mild to moderate sagging skin. Using the Phi Beauty Concept, we are able to achieve a more natural look by softening the lines and restoring proportion to the face, which will give you a more youthful look. Contact the surgeon for a complete facial assessment.

Contact Us

Call us today on 08 9356 5883 for more information about Cosmetic Dentistry.

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